If we lived in a perfect world, no one would miss their regular check-ups, they’d brush and floss like a professional, and every tooth would last a lifetime. But in reality, sugary treats are everywhere and cause tooth decay without reservation. Accidents happen, and even genetic factors may serve to endanger your smile.
These real-world challenges demand real-world solutions, and the Advanced Dentistry of Spring team has selected one of the best: same-day dental crown technology. A dental crown is a whole tooth restoration that covers a damaged tooth like a cap. This creates lasting protection while maintaining your naturally beautiful smile.
While past crown placement took at least two appointments, with a waiting period in between, Dr. Glass has used a unique process called CEREC to provide a permanent dental crown in one visit for the last decade.
Conventional dental crowns come from an outside dental lab. So in one appointment, your dentist would measure and order your new crown. Then, you’d have to wait weeks to get your final crown, using a sometimes problematic temporary crown while you wait.
But now, we can get the procedure done end to end in the same appointment. The technical name for this process is CEREC, which stands for Chair-side Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. In layperson’s terms, this means a system that designs and fabricates attractive ceramic restorations more timely and cost-effectively.
When Dr. Glass needs a dental crown restoration, we start with hyper-accurate digital impressions of your teeth. We then feed these images are fed into special CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software so your crown will be a perfect fit with your smile.
Then, we send that digital design to a milling machine that carves your final restoration from a block of high-quality ceramic. We then can check your crown on the spot, ensuring quality. Then we polish your crown over your damaged tooth so that the crown fits snugly. Instead of weeks, we can complete your new crown in an hour or less.
What You Save with CEREC Dental Crowns and Restoration
Beyond the apparent convenience, same-day dental crowns offer numerous advantages.
CEREC technology is an exciting breakthrough that makes tooth restoration quick and effective, making it especially helpful in emergencies. At Advanced Dentistry of Spring, we are always happy to answer your questions and supply needed details so that you can make an informed decision.
Don’t hesitate to call us to learn more about same-day dental crowns today.